Thursday, February 11, 2010

TDM has failed us; Bury it

As a marketing guy and a wordsmith, I enjoy these types of “telework vs. telecommute” discussions. From my POV, it’s our job to use words and language that will engage our target audiences… not the jargon of our technical peers.

Case in point is the old debate on “Transportation Demand Management”. After all these decades I would guess that less than a few percent of commuters have any idea what it means. The term has failed to serve our community of TDM evangelists. It’s a losing phrase and it’s time to bury TDM.

Commuter Choice and Commuter Options have been suggested and tried for years, but neither of these have taken off.

I would like to get the debate restarted by suggesting:

Green Transportation Options
Green Transportation Strategies
Green Transportation Alternatives
Green Commuting


Denis Eirikis
Clear Light Communications Inc.