Friday, August 03, 2007
TDM responses to I-35W Bridge Collapse
Monday, July 16, 2007
Carpoolers - Coming to Your TV
Sunday, January 14, 2007
TDM sessions at 2007 Transportation Research Board
Poster Session 553 New International Research in Transportation Demand and Parking Management
Tuesday, January 23, 2007, 2:30 PM - 5:00 PM, Hilton
Eric N. Schreffler, Consultant, presiding
Sponsored by: Transportation Demand Management Committee (ABE50)
Note: The increasing interest in strategies to manage transportation systems has prompted growing research into the effectiveness of various parking management and transportation demand management measures. This session provides exposure to various initiatives in managing transport and promoting more sustainable travel options, including parking guidance and information, employer commute management, bicycle and pedestrian improvements, and managed lanes.
- Evaluating Parking Management Benefits (07-1581) - H3 Todd Alexander Litman, Victoria Transport Policy Institute, Canada
- Switching Process of Parking Pricing Principle: From Duration-Based to Rights-Based (07-1053) - H5Chih-Peng Chu, National Dong Hwa University, Taiwan, Jyh-Fa Tsai, Soochow University, Taiwan
- Examining Incentives and Preferential Treatment of Carpools in Managed Lane Facilities: A State-of-the-Practice Review (07-2880) - H7 David H. Ungemah, Texas Transportation Institute, Mark W. Burris, Texas A&M University, Ginger D. Goodin, Texas Transportation Institute, Casey Toycen, Texas Transportation Institute,
- Employer Perception of Employer-Based Trip Reduction Benefits and Strategy Implementation (07-0676) - H9Kai Zuehlke, Georgia Institute of Technology, Randall Guensler, Georgia Institute of Technology
- Potential to Attract Drivers Out of Their Cars in Dense Urban Areas (07-2124) - H11Andres Monzon, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain
- Analysis of Effects on Workplace Mobility Management Targeting Commuter Transport (07-2729) - J2Ayako Taniguchi, University of Tsukuba, JapanSatoshi Fujii, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
- Setting Up Local Travel Plan Groups: The Future of Workplace Travel Planning in Urban Conurbations? Examples from London (07-2164) - J4 Sophie Tyler, University of Westminster, United Kingdom, Marcus Paul Enoch, Loughborough University, United Kingdom, Lian Zhang, Loughborough University, United Kingdom
- Commute Travel: How Does Proximity Influence Mode Choice? GIS Analysis of a Large Urban University (07-3234) - J6 Jane Gould, University of California, Los Angeles, Jiangping Zhou, University of California, Los Angeles
- Testing the Effectiveness of Bicycle and Pedestrian Access Improvements in Reducing Commute Vehicle Trips (07-3174) - J8 William R. Loudon, DKS Associates, Sarah Kavage, Lawrence Frank & Co, Mandi Roberts, OTAK Inc
- Use and Impact of Maximum Parking Standards in Scotland (07-2527) - J10Tom Rye, Napier University, United KingdomStephen Ison, Loughborough University, United Kingdom
Session 614 The New and the Old in Transportation Demand Management Initiatives: Reducing Car Use Through Personalized Travel Information and Carpooling
Tuesday, January 23, 2007, 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM, Hilton
Marcel Rommerts, European Commission, Belgium, presiding
Sponsored by: Transportation Demand Management Committee (ABE50)
Note: One traditional transportation demand management strategy is the promotion of carpooling. This session investigates who carpools and the implications of trip chaining on carpooling. Of growing interest are initiatives to provide improved information on travel choices, including advice tailored to individualized travels. Research on the effectiveness and implications of these strategies to reduce congestion, air pollution, and energy use are explored.
- Travel Choice Adaptation Through Information Provision: Insights from Literature Review (07-0149)Caspar Chorus, Eindhoven University of Technology, NetherlandsEric Molin, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands, Bert van Wee, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
- Mobility Management in Japan: ITS Development and Meta-Analysis of Travel Feedback Programs (07-2657)Ayako Taniguchi, University of Tsukuba, Japan, Satoshi Fujii, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan, Haruna Suzuki, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
- Successfully Changing Individual Travel Behavior Applying Community-Based Social Marketing to Travel Choice (07-3098)Carol Cooper, King County Metro Transit
- Who Chooses to Carpool and Why: Examination of Texas Carpoolers (07-1369)Jianling Li, University of Texas, Arlington, Patrick M. Embry, University of Texas, Arlington, Stephen Mattingly, University of Texas, Arlington, Kaveh Farokhi Sadabadi, University of Texas, Arlington, Isaradatta Rasmidatta, University of Texas, Arlington, Mark W. Burris, Texas A&M University
- Impact of Carpooling on Trip-Chaining Behavior and Emission Reductions (07-3281)Sisinnio Concas, University of South Florida, Philip L. Winters, University of South Florida
There are numerous other sessions that would interest many in the TDM community (e.g., value pricing, HOV, telecommunications and travel behavior, etc.)
Go to for more information.